customized hippa

Upon your request, the Compliance and Privacy Office (CAP) is able to customize HIPAA and Privacy departmental trainings based on your particular business processes.  We are here to ensure that all staff are properly equipped to successfully handle and secure all protected data.

Process for Requesting Customized HIPAA or Privacy Training

  1. The CAP office will meet with your Department/Division:
    The first step is acknowledging that you have a training need.  Anyone can request additional training. This does not need to come from a manager.  It is ideal for training to be centered around the department needs, however it is not required.  If a staff member requests additional training, we are here to assist.
  2. Setting Training Objective:
    The ultimate goal is to provide a better understanding of how to protect HIPAA/PHI/ePHI data processes and ensure staff are equipped and knowledgeable on successfully securing protected health and privacy information.  
  3. Creating  Training Content:
    The third step is to create the training content and to make it valuable and interesting! We focus on successful adult learning theories: hands-on/audio/visual, teambuilding activities, and test your knowledge quizzes, while identifying subject matter and scenarios that are specific to your department/division’s business process.   

eLearning Training: Video-based

  • Teamwork
  • Activities
  • Test Your Knowledge Quizzes


Instructor-led Training: On-site In-Person Training

  • Teambuilding
  • Role-Playing
  • Activities
  • HIPAA Discussion After
  • Test Your Knowledge Quizzes


Webinar Training: Live Online Training

  • Breakout Groups
  • Activities
  • HIPAA Discussion After
  • Test Your Knowledge Quizzes


  1. Training Delivery:
    The fourth step is to facilitate the training. Based on your needs and band width, we will determine the best method to deliver the training.  In-person (office setting), individual one on one, group setting/round table discussions, via Teams, staff meeting, etc.
  2. Evaluate and Revise Customer Training:
    The fifth step will be to solicit feedback, evaluate, and determine if the training was successful in meeting the objectives, and if additional training is needed. Any recommended changes/updates will be incorporated for future training requests.

If you are interested in additional HIPAA or Privacy training, focused primarily on your business needs, please send an email to and a member of the CAP team will reach out. If you would like general information about HIPAA, click to view the HIPAA page. Here you can find all the HIPAA policies or to report a suspected privacy concern.