remote working virtual business team

  • Review the Teleworking Policies and Procedures.
  • When working remotely, it is required for employees using their Travis County computer, to use Net Motion VPN.
  • When working remotely, it is required for employees to use their personal computers, and use LEAP (Limited External Access Portal).
  • Create a strong, unique password, and don’t leave your password out for others to view.
  • All Protected Health Information (PHI) must be encrypted before being transmitted. This can either be through the company’s Intranet or using internal email encryption.
  • Encrypt and password-protect any devices(mobile, iPad, PC/Mac) employees use to access PHI.
  • It is recommended to have sensitive work phone conversations away from others in the home.
  • It is recommended that employees should not allow any friends, family, etc. to use their work computer or device.
  • Do not leave any paper documents containing sensitive information out where others who are unauthorized are able to view them.
  • It is recommended that all remote employees who hold sensitive documents keep them in a locked filing cabinet or shred them after use.
  • It is highly recommended to have a privacy screen over your monitor if you work in a shared remote location.
  • Be sure to lock your computer when you walk away, just like you would do in the office.
  • Make sure you disconnect from the company network when you are done working for the day/shift.
  • If there is a loss of connection through your Internet provider, prepare by having backup apps on your phone for work communication. These apps are not required, but a step so you can rejoin your meetings, etc.

If you would like general information about HIPAA, click to view the HIPAA page. Or, if you would like information regarding Travis County’s HIPAA Policies, or to report a suspected privacy concern, contact the Travis County Compliance and Privacy Officer