The purpose of the Green Steering Committee (GSC) is to assess the implementation of County environmental policy and initiatives, recommend revisions for improved results, advocate for new policy where applicable, and to lead efforts to achieve the County’s environmental goals.

Examples of policy and initiatives for which the Green Steering Committee may be responsible include (but are not limited to):

  • Net Zero Resolution
  • Annual Sustainability Report & GHG Inventory
  • Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy
  • Climate Action Plan
  • Zero Waste Interlocal Agreement
  • Civilian Climate Corps
  • Fleet Electrification
  • Refrigerant Management Policy
  • Recycling Participation Order
  • Green Team Updates and Progress

The GSC consists of Natural Resources & Environmental Quality (NREQ) Director, Jon White, along with other members from select departments and the Commissioners Court. The role of a GSC member is to attend meetings, actively participate in discussions, make recommendations to help accomplish the purpose of the committee, and to lead by example within his/her respective department.

For more information regarding this committee, please contact Jon White at