Bomb threats are made because the caller has knowledge of an explosive device or the caller wishes to cause general alarm or panic. It is important that anyone, who might receive the threat, be aware of proper procedures.  By being prepared for such an incident, our employees will be more mentally capable of handling the problem, without panic.  Most bomb threats are received by phone and are serious until proven otherwise.  Employees are encouraged to act quickly but remain calm and obtain the necessary information on the Bomb Threat Checklist, which should be placed near their phones for quick retrieval.

Bomb threat/incidents are initiated in one of three ways:

Receipt of A Threat or Warning

By Telephone

Use the Bomb Threat Checklist to record information.  After the call, do not hang up the phone.

  • Managers should ensure their employees have a Bomb Threat Checklist available by any phone that receives outside calls.
  • The call taker’s goal is to keep the caller on the line as long as possible to gather information.
  • After the caller hangs up, contact 9-1-1 and Travis County Security, (512) 854-5555.

By Letter/Note

The letter and envelope should be treated as evidence in a criminal investigation.

  • Save all materials received.
  • Travis County Security, (512) 854-5555.
  • Do not unnecessarily handle the items to allow the items to be processed for latent fingerprints, once taken into police custody.

By Email

Print a hard copy of the message.  Do not delete the message.

  • Contact Travis County Security, (512) 854-5555.

In most cases, a bomb threat or warning will not require an evacuation.  Travis County Security will confer with the appropriate law enforcement agency and determine what further steps are needed.  Depending on the information received, a thorough search may be conducted.  All searches should be conducted under the guidance and supervision of the local law enforcement.

If you receive a bomb threat over the telephone, use the Bomb Threat Checklist:

  1. Listen carefully to the details of the threat and try to keep the caller talking until you are able to get the answers to the following questions:
  1. When is the bomb going to explode?
  2. Where is it right now?
  3. What does it look like?
  4. What kind of bomb is it?
  5. What will cause it to explode?
  6. Did you place the bomb?
  7. Why?
  8. What is your name?
  1. Jot down whether the caller is male or female; any distinctive voice characteristics the caller may have (i.e., accent, slurring, key words used) and any background noise you may hear.
  2. After activating the trace, 9-1-1 and provide the call-taker all the information you learned from the caller concerning the bomb and its location.  Be sure to give your name, office location, and telephone extension.  Do not hang up until the call-taker releases you.
  3. After you contact 9-1-1, remain quiet about the threat and stay where you are until contacted by law enforcement.
  4. Law enforcement, in cooperation with Fire Department, will give the order to evacuate the building if necessary.

Note to Supervisors:

  • Please ensure that all employees in each unit are familiar with these procedures.
  • Visually inspect your work area for any objects that do not belong there. 
  • Report if you see anything suspicious. 
  • Do not handle suspicious objects or packages.

Bomb Threat Checklist