Burglary, Theft, and Robbery

County facilities, employees, and visitors can be victims of criminal activity.  Most crimes are crimes of opportunity… when people perceive something of value is present and believe they can take it with little chance of being caught.  The best way to reduce crime is to prevent it by keeping valuables out of sight, controlling access to your facility, and creating a vigilant environment where people perceive that any criminal act will be caught.

Employees are most likely to encounter one of three common property crimes. 

  • Theft – Occurs when someone sees something of value and takes it without permission.
  • Burglary – Occurs when someone enters a facility or vehicle in order to steal something. These crimes are typically break-ins occurring when no one is present.
  • Robbery – Occurs when someone threatens a person with a weapon or uses force or a threat of force to steal something.

It is important to accurately report the crime when you call for assistance.  Reporting the correct type of crime allows law enforcement to send the appropriate resources.  


  • Keep your purse, wallet, keys, and other valuable items with you or secured in a locked compartment. Don’t leave unattended valuables in plain sight.
  • Check the identity of any strangers in your work area.  Escort them to the person they are visiting or area they are seeking.  Do not let them wander the building freely.
  • Complete a work order to repair windows, doors, locks, lighting, alarms, cameras or other security equipment that is malfunctioning or needs adjustment.  Do not assume someone else will report the problem.
  • When coming or going, use the buddy system and walk with a co-worker to the parking lot or public transportation.  There is safety in numbers.
  • If you see something suspicious, report it to Travis County Security, (512) 854-5555 or the police for investigation.


  • If you see a crime being committed, you should not take any action that would endanger your own safety.
  • Do not confront.  Be a good witness; observe from a safe distance and location.  Make a detailed description of the suspect (and vehicle).
  • If you deem the situation is not dangerous,  you may be able to stop the crime by simply making your presence known in a non-threatening and non-accusatory manner by saying something  like,  “Hello, may I help you?”  Remember, most crimes of opportunity are committed because the subject perceives there is little or no chance of being caught.  Once they realize someone is watching, they probably will not go through with the crime.
  • Remember the area where the crime was committed is a crime scene.  There may be important evidence such as fingerprints or shoe prints which should not be disturbed.  Advise others to keep out of the area and avoid touching or moving objects until law enforcement arrives.
  • Call 9-1-1 to report the crime as soon as practical.  Give an accurate description of the subject, any weapons involved, and their direction of travel.
  • After calling 9-1-1, report the incident to Travis County Security at (512) 854-5555 and your management team.