Suspicious parcels or devices can be delivered in a variety of ways and come many shapes and sizes. Exercise caution and common sense.   A “suspicious” parcel or device usually has some characteristic that is unusual or out of place.  If you have any doubt or suspicion about a parcel, don’t take chances - DO NOT OPEN OR HANDLE THE PACKAGE.

Suspicious Mail Characteristics

  • Excessive postage
  • Protruding wires or aluminum foil Incorrect titles/title, but no name
  • Oily stains, discolorations or odor
  • No return address
  • Excessive weight
  • Lopsided or uneven envelope
  • Rigid or bulky envelope
  • Excessive sealing material such as masking tape, string, etc.
  • The item may make a buzzing, ticking or sloshing sound
  • Marked “Personal,” “To be opened only by,” “Do Not X-Ray,” “Prize inside,” etc.
  • Springiness in the top, bottom or sides
  • Powdery substances felt through or appearing on the item

Suspicious Mail Precautions

  • Do not open the package or mail.
  • Place the item carefully on a stable surface immediately.
  • Avoid further handling and isolate the item as much as possible.
  • Clear the immediate area of all persons and keep others away.
  • Take essential belongings, like cell phones, keys, purse, etc. with you in case return to your office is delayed.
  • Leave the room and close the door to prevent others from entering
  • Wash your hands immediately with soap and water.
  • Isolate exposed persons to a designated area away from the substance and await further instruction.
  • List the names of anyone who came in contact with the item or were present after the item was opened.
  • Notify Travis County Security, (512) 854-5555 and your immediate supervisor.
  • It is important that department leads encourage their employees to trust their instincts.

Suspicious Device or Improvised Explosive Device (IED)

A suspicious package may be found in a general area.  All employees can contribute to the safety of the workplace by assuring that visitors do not leave objects behind and by immediately reporting a suspicious item. 

Suspicious Device Precautions

  • Do not touch or move the device.  Only specially trained bomb technicians should handle suspicious devices.
  • Turn off Two-Way Radios and/or cellular phones in the immediate area of the device.
  • Isolate and evacuate the area if safe to do so.
  • Call 9-1-1 and Travis County Security at (512) 854-5555.
  • Evacuation Distances are specified in the chart below.  Your most effective protection is distance. Read the Outdoor Evacuation Distance located in the far-right column of the diagram below.