CARE Champs Group photo


Our CARE Champion Network is comprised of employees who are enthusiastic about improving their own health and motivating others to do the same. As CARE Champions, we are at the forefront of creating a Culture of Wellness at Travis County!

James Matlock

James Matlock

Travis County Auditor’s Office

I have been with the County for a little over 1 year. I’m passionate about making changes in lifestyle related to fitness and health. I hope to use my competitive nature and commitment to fitness to help motivate others and improve their well-being.

Danny Davis

Danny Davis

Airport Boulevard

I been with the County coming up on 13 years now. I love to work out. I usually work out between 5-6 days a week and alternative between HIIT (Circuit Training), weights, stabilization and cardio workouts. I love to run 3-6+ miles on trails and do my workout activities outdoor. Fitness has always been a passion for me when I first started in 2010. With a family history of diabetes, high blood pressure, and Alzheimer’s, I want to change the pattern. Since getting back on track after losing focus for a couple of years, I have lost 55 lbs over the year. I have recently obtained my certification for personal training and working on my fitness nutrition specialist certification so that I may be able to help those who are looking to improve their health as well.

Kristina Breeding

Kristina Breeding

Precinct Four Office Building

I moved out here to Texas and joined Travis County nearly 1 1/2 years ago so I could be close to my 3 beautiful grand-boys. I strive to be an active hands-on grandma, which has led me to this journey of becoming much more health conscious. Several of the CARE programs are helping and supporting me in this endeavor including being a 2nd time participant in the Biggest Loser Challenge! I have become very passionate about being a cheerleader of awareness, motivation & support, not only for myself but for all those I work with in my new work family here at Travis County.


Alesia Turner

TCCC at Del Valle

I have been with the County for almost 20 years and I truly love and care about my TCSO family. I am very passionate about helping them to become empowered to take charge of their health and to be successful. I know what it is like to be unhappy with your quality of life, I made the decision to change mine and I want to help others to do the same because I have been there. All change starts from within and I want to walk side by side with you the whole way. Together we can do this!

Jeana McCants

Jeana Mccants

Information Technology Services

I have been with Travis County for almost 4 years and am a Project Manager in ITS. At one point in my adult life I was 60+ pounds heavier than I am now and very uncomfortable and unhappy because of it, so I decided to do something about it. I learned more about nutrition, portions and exercise and put my new knowledge to use to lose those extra pounds and my goal is to maintain my current weight throughout the rest of my life. I hope to share my knowledge and experience to help others reach their health goals and increase their quantity and quality of life.

Charmaine Nicols

Charmaine Nichols

Juvenile Probation - Gardner Betts Juvenile Center

I have been with Travis County Juvenile Probation Department since 2007. Having had my own ups and downs with self-image and weight, I decided it was time for a change. Along with my team, TCBY took first place in last year’s Biggest Loser competition. This, along with attending the “Lunch and Learns” and coaching sessions offered by Travis County, inspired me to join the CARE Champions. I hope to use this platform to reach out to help others with their fitness struggles.

Ruben Guzman

Ruben Guzman

Travis County-Health & Human Services

I have been with Travis County for 4 months, since Nov. of last year. I’m sort of a “Health Nut” constantly buying protein shakes after a workout, reading exercise magazines about nutrition and workout routines. Sharing my knowledge about what I read and eat gives me a sense of accomplishment. I will share my ideas along with those of the Wellness Team with the folks I work with and others.

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Lynn Lecropane

Justice Planning

I have been with the County for over 8 years. I believe health and wellness are very important to the quality of our lives, both personal and professional. I think the CARE Program has a lot to offer Travis County employees and I look forward to helping my co-workers as a CARE Champion.

Antonia Blasini

Antonia Blasini

Travis County Mental Health Public Defender

I worked for the Mental Health Public Defender from 2009-2014… since this is such an amazing County office/program I came back in 2017 in a different role! Prior to working for the County, I worked in the natural/health foods industry for 20 years. This experience allowed me to understand the importance of incorporating healthy habits in our daily living. I enjoy staying active thru biking, roller skating, swimming...always keeping it fun! I look forward to working with the CARE Program on developing and promoting innovative/motivating ways to improve our wellness! Thank you for this opportunity.

Shaun Auckland

Shaun Auckland

Transportation and Natural Resources

I have been with the County for over 6 years as a Conservation Coordinator. My home has been in the Hill Country for more than 20 years. My passions for sustainability and outdoors drives my desire to assist Travis County employees in accessing tools and resources to promote wellness. I hope to use my knowledge of Travis County Parks and outdoor recreation as a CARE Ambassador to increase employee wellness by enjoying the outdoor environment.

Joshua Lowman

Joshua Lowman

Corrections Officer, Sheriff

I have been with Travis County Sheriff’s Office for almost two years. What has inspired my health and wellness journey are my two sons. I want to be able to keep up with them as they get older and train them in sports. I hope to encourage and inspire others as I continue to explore different types of exercise and healthy eating using CARE program tools and resources.

David Carrizales

David Carrizales

District Clerk

I've been with the County a total of 7 years. Being a part of the Wellness Team I hope to offer my perspective on overall health such as counting your steps, exercise, even if just 20 minutes per day, meditate daily, and most of all, look at yourself every day and tell yourself, "I am light, I am peace, & I love life" These are my attributes for everyone in and out of my office. A healthy lifestyle comes in all forms and each of us has different challenges. Together we lift; we encourage and build each other up.

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Diane Sager

Information Technology Service

I have been with the County for over 20 years. I love working out and fit some type of activity into my schedule every day! Through the CARE Program Wellness Team, I hope to use my passion and motivation to help others improve and maintain their own healthy goals.

Sharon Ellerby

Sharon Ellerby

Justice of the Peace Pct 1

My journey with Travis County began 7 years ago. My goal is to educate, support and empower everyone I work with! I enjoy motivating and sharing information that encourages those around me to make healthier choices to become a better version of themselves.

onnie bohr

Onnie Bohr

Transportation and Natural Resources

I have been with TNR for over a year, after dedicating 26 years to the COA. My goal is to help motivate and support co-workers as well as myself. It is sometimes easier to pick the wrong foods and to form bad habits, sometimes life gets in the way or we fall away from good habits. It’s okay…start again just NEVER give up. I enjoy activities like cycling, walking and playing with the g-kids. I look forward to being a CARE Champion, if nothing else to educate, inspire and give others options for a happier and healthier life.

onnie bohr

Paulette Diederich

Travis County Sheriff's Office

I have been with Travis County Sheriff's Office since March 2016. I have only lived in Texas coming up on 2 years. My friends call me a "Texaholic," and I have to say this is true. "Health nut" is not really me, but I workout, read up on cooking light, and try to stay in shape. I will share my ideas and maybe some recipes to the Wellness Team. We can accomplish many great things as a TEAM.

Want to become a CARE Champion?

The CARE Program is recruiting volunteers from every department across the County to serve as CARE Champions. If you would like to learn more about your role as a CARE Champion, please email for more information